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Hallelujah~An Animist Version or a Pagan's View (A tribute to my late sister)


This song is a tribute to my late sister.

I do not oppose monolithic religions, although I do not believe in them.

In this cruel world, people can believe whatever they want if it brings them comfort.

I also do not believe that I will be reborn as a moth or butterfly and see my beloved ones again, but the notion somehow comforts me.

For your reference,


Urashima Taro

Actually, the god who visited the underworld was Izanagi-No-Mikoto. In the Kojiki, he went down to Yomi-no-kuni to see his late wife, Izanami-No-Mikoto.

Susanoo was the one who stamped his feet and cried for his mother Izanami when she died. I mixed the two mythical figures into one to simplify the lyrics.

Cheers !

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